Monday, November 14, 2011

2011 River Trip Day 4 9/27 Nankoweap Butte hike (stayed at Little Nankoweap camp)

2011 River Trip Day 4 Nankoweap Butte hike (stayed at Little Nankoweap camp)

breakfast french toast w/maple syrup
lunch sandwiches we made/carried on hike
dinner was cook your own steak

05:57 up early - big hike today - below my camp

07:58 almost ready to go

07:59 breakfast and grab a snack as we will be hiking well into afternoon

09:14 sacred datura near start of Nanko Butte hike

09:19 climb

09:19 some big boulders in Nanko creekbed

 Jack as we start a bypass "up and over" avoiding a large bend in the canyon and a fall

09:38 when not doing up and over we hike in creekbed

10:25 Supergroup deposits - most of today we are hiking on Supergroup and surrounded by its colourful deposits

10:26 Supergroup - note the cut filled with Cardenas Lava

10:29 break spot


 James Rayment and Tom Martinez at a break

11:01 Mt Hayden on N Rim

 another N Rim view

11:28  I am enjoying this break as we are more than half way

11:29 Gary STock

10:29 break photos

11:30 another great north rim view from near top of our Nanko hike


12:09 Nanko Butte across from us

we top out

 Harmless snake - one of several on this trip

 13:59 Holly


13:21 we hiked down a different route than we took up - we contoured below nw ridge of Nankoweap Butte back towards Nankoweap Canyon then climbed down - this was clambering but nothing too tough (the way we went up was probably somewhat worse than this route down)

13:43 large basalt blocks - we did hike on/touch all layers of the Supergroup on this rivertrip (first time in one trip for me)

group photo on Nankoweap Butte hike: Bill Merrow, James Rayment, Dennis, Grant, Edmund Ferdinand, Teddy, Jim Jolly, Tabitha, Sarol Gay, Alana and Tom Martinez; 
Gary Stock, Michele Liou, Jackie Little 

14:40 soon we are back in the main Nankoweap Canyon bed


17:52 back at camp we cleanup and are ready for dinner 

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