Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2010 River Trip dramatis personae

This entry is a snapshot of the people on the 2010 Wayne Ranney Geology river trip - along with some of the interesting flora and fauna and "stuff" encountered on the trip. 
2010 Trip Summary
Links to Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The moon went from young to full on our trip - so I start with it

The trip was by Canyoneers - here is a link to an early Canyoneers story - it is a falling in love with/in the grand canyon story.

We had a raven (or several) assigned to us and at least one appeared at each camp

Unfortunately we also saw too many too loud helicopters - here is one

Our boat was the Philomena - Canyoneers Boat 2 (I have been on the Philomena before)

Philomena had mascots

Fauna - this Grand Canyon snake counts

Flora includes Crimson Monkey flowers

and perhaps even this stromatolite fossil (its predecessors were the source of the oxygen we breath)

this is Wayne's trip so we start with Wayne Ranney (an accomplished author, world traveler and geologist)

the trip was not all technical geology - we did have a lot of fun - here is Wayne in the bocci game at Pumpkin Spring camp

Brandon Green

Jamie Townsend

Howard Capito

Bob and Cathy Gessner

Vivian Ross

Clay and Nancy Seaman

Kevin and Jeff Eorio

Ed Hibbard

Audry and Dana Wingate

Art and Dolores Manburg at Stone Creek

Bill and Tedi Johnson at Stone Creek

Bob and Cathy Gessner

Laura and John Zambrino

Bill Merrow at Clear Creek

group at Travertine - Bill Johnson(red), Bill M, Tedi Johnson, Bob Gessner, Clay Seaman, Nancy Seaman, Audrey Wingate, Delores/Art Manburg, Cathy Gessner, Wayne, Laura/John Zambrano, Dana Wingate, Kevin Eorio, Howard Capito; Beth/Peggy Rambikur, EdH, Jeff Eorio, Vivian Ross

all the men left to right and row; by row; by row: 
Kevin Eorio, Bill Johnson, Clay Seaman, Wayne, Art Manburg, Bob Gessner, Howard Capito, Brandon; 
Ed Hibbard, John Zambrano, Bill Merrow, Dana Wingate; 
Jeff Eorio, Jamie Townsend

all the ladies (rivermen in the center) from left to right
Laura Zambrino, Cathy Gessner, Vivian Ross, Audrey Wingate, Peggy Rambikur, Brandon Green, Jamie Townsend,  Delores Manburg, Nancy Seaman, Tedi Johnson, Beth Rambikur in front